15000 + Players Registered
500 + Tournaments Conducted
100 + Organizers
60 + Countries

Chess Community


The prize generator tool service offered by chessmii.com has truly met my expectations, as it enables me to obtain precise outcomes and ultimately, optimize my time.
Chessmii.com simplifies my experience with chess tournaments, its assists me by furnishing complete details regarding chess tournaments, as well as a hassle-free registration process for each event. Additionally, I appreciate the fact that I only need to input my player information once. It's fantastic that cashback is being provided for FIDE chess tournaments.
Chessmii.com is a time-saving platform for tournament registration, and their commendable service includes free social media marketing. Additionally, from my personal experience, I have suggested multiple modifications to the platform, which the team has implemented flawlessly.


our features

We are dedicated to broadening and developing chess as art, recreation, and as a significant element of culture around the world.

Tournament Creation

Chessmii allows the organizers to create tournaments easily.

Player Registration

Simplified procedure to chess players for tournament registration.

Player List

Easily downloadable player list for organizer.

Prize Distribution

Single click prize distribution.


Enhanced wallet services for hustle free transaction.

Easy Withdrawal

Just enter the amount and withdraw as simply as it is.